On Sunday 9th January, the cadet team of Ben Aldridge, Adam Koszyk and Shivam Gopal represented Westfield TTC in the National Cadet League at the Sycamore Club in Nottigham. With the withrdrawal of 3 Peterborough teams, the contest was changed from the expected 2 divisions back to one division of 5.

They started off their campaign against West Bridgeford with a 3 all draw; there were some very close games - Adam worked hard to come from 2-0 down to win in the fifth set; Ben was unlucky to lose a close game to 9 in the fifth and Shivam managed to close his game down in the fifth.

The next match against Cliffdale Chandlers was an easier affair which was won 5-1, with Ben and Adam winning all their games and Shivam dropping one very close game, each end by 11-9. 

Their third match against Knighton Park was a tougher game with Adam picking up the only honours to lose 5-1 overall.

Nottingham was their final opponent - a great way to finish the day with a 6-0 win.

The succesful day left us second in the table, 5 points behind Knighton Park with a final weekend to play in March.

Well done to the players for their sustained efforts, especially as Adam and Ben had played in the Junior league the previous day.

With thanks to their families for their continued support.

Ian Yarnall

Team Captain

The same team of Ben Aldridge, Alex Elsom and Adam Koszyk travelled to Birmingham for day 3 of National Junior League.

Cheslyn Hay Tigers were our round one opponents, and we made short work of the match, winning 6-0 and only dropping one leg in the process! An excellent start.

Round two and our opponents were Birmngham 4. Another good performance and another 6-0 win, although Ben did find Roan Paul's style awkward, and had to dig deep to win 12-10 in the fifth!

Round three and our opponents are Colebridge C. First game saw Ben against Colebridge number two Hong Kit Ng (who proved to be a real handful). Ben was trailing 2-0 and 10-6,  but some well executed points saw him level at deuce and then take the next two points to win the end. This gave Ben renewed energy and belief, and he won the next two ends 11-5, 11-8 for a great win. Alex had his own five-end battle, this time being pegged back from 2-0 to 2-2, but he managed to compose himself in the fifth for a fine win. Adam was on game three and he, like Ben, had to battle back from 2-0 down. He did so with some great play, which saw him ease through 11-9 in the fifth. Three close games all going Westfield's way. Ben and Alex both won their secind matches, but Adam found Hong Kit Ng too strong and went down 3-0. A battling 5-1 kept us at the top of the table.

Round four and we are up against the the Lillington 'Giants'. In all my years of table tennis, I have never seen a team full six foot (plus) juniors! Morgan Page proved the star man for Lillington, using his deadly backhand to beat both Adam and Alex. Ben was untroubled for his two wins.

The final round of the day saw us against Birmingham 3, who were a decent team. At this point Alex and Adam were starting to feel the effects of their earliers efforts and both struggled. Adam did managed to pick up one point but Alex drew a blank. No such worries for Ben, who cruised to a brace. Final result 3-3.

There were some great performances during the day's play, and for Ben to remain undefeated was very impressive. Roll on Day 4.

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Just a quick note to confirm that the Club is NOT open this evening (Thursday 23rd December).
We hope to start the sessions again on Thursday Jan 6th 2022. Please keep an eye on our website for announcements.
Wishing you all a safe and merry Christmas.
Kind regards.
Kevin Bird
Westfield TTC


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